Clinical Reasoning Study Groups
Clinical reasoning and case discussion skills are essential for practising clinicians in general practice and rural generalism. Honing these skills with peers in an appropriate and supportive environment optimises learning and allows for personal and professional benchmarking.
During each semester, the IGPTN runs a 20 week clinical reasoning study group, online.
The on-line format has been designed to maximise access across regional, rural and remote locations. The study groups provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait trainees with a culturally responsive and safe environment to learn alongside peers. The education sessions are led by the IGPTN Medical Educators and supported by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellows.
Due to the nature of clinical reasoning each semester is different so we encourage trainees to join at any time and keep coming along for more than one semester. These sessions are exclusive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander GP and RG trainees. This activity is fully funded by IGPTN.
Who is it for
- IGPTN members on any of the ACRRM or RACGP training pathways.
- Trainees at ANY stage of training are most welcome to participate.
- Highly recommended if you are preparing for your written exams.
What to expect
- A systematically structured approach.
- Introduction to study group: Goals, Objectives, Scope, Resources and Reflections.
- Weekly progression through curriculum-based topics.
- Peer-led learning.
- Facilitated by dedicated IGPTN Medical Educator.
- Clinical reasoning and case discussions.
- Small group learning exclusively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peers and facilitators.
- Educationally and culturally inclusive learning environment.
When and Where
- During semesters: Thursday 7.30pm AEST
- Online via Zoom
How do I sign up?
Members can sign up to join an IGPTN Study Group below.
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