What does IGPTN mean to you? It’s a great community for learning and sharing. I’ve built life long friendships and connections with like minded doctors
How has IGPTN made a difference to you and your training? It’s made a huge difference! I have no doubt I passed exams thanks to the conferences providing exam education, practice skills, GP education and study groups!
What is the impact of IGPTN on training and workforce equity for mob? It has helped mob achieve much better pass marks by providing so much exam education.
What is the impact of IGPTN on health for mob? It continues doctors to provide support to work in the often understaffed under funded health care services for mob.
What is the most valuable part of IGPTN? For me the most valuable part was exam preparation. I was able to focus study on knowledge as for years I’d heard how to answer questions to avoid putting too many answers down.